We are a community because we consider each of us as an individual belonging to a group.
Life at Dymasco
Our Working Mode
“Great things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people.” Steve Jobs.
Collaborative tools
Collaborative and knowledge sharing applications for everybody
Team events
Regular corporate events
Collaborative, participatory, self-help mode with transversal management
Permanent communication about corporate life
Join Us
Live a real employee experience with us.
Your Onboarding Phase
Starts at the signature of your employment contract with a mentor who will support you to achieve your integration and your life with us
HR Follow-Up
No more classical HR gates but astonishment report, company survey, regular follow-up to manage your expectations, your skills, your training, your career path, ...
Career Path
Total transparency about what you can expect working with us
Equity Between All Employees
Respectul Human Management
Ethical Benefits Sharings
Transparency On Remuneration Items
Our Ethical and Moral Corporate Policy
We execute ethical labor practices by treating employees fairly and respectfully.
The Company's Benef its
We strive to cultivate a healthy, happy-team oriented work environment and culture.
Health Insurance
Competitive guarantees with 60% of cost covered
Supplementary Health Benefits
Major life risks covered
Travel Assistance
Global health insurance while traveling abroad for business
Meal Allowance
60% of cost covered for every working day lunch
Public Transportation Program
50% of commuting costs covered
Additional Leave Benefits
One extra day off after 2, 5, 10, 15 and 20 years of seniority
Holidays Bonus
Yearly holidays bonus
One-month initial training then yearly up-to-date training for all employees
Team Events
Relax and unwind during one quarterly event with all employees